安迪·塞尔沃:刚才你说有个人会接替你,所以是一个我们都认识的人还是?我的意思是,你在伯克希尔公司的高层中提拔过很多人,或许格雷格或者阿吉特将会在今年的会议(伯克希尔股东大会)上登台。WARREN BUFFETT:It depends what happens to me and what happensto other people. But—
But there will be other things that happen in the world in thenext five, 10, 20 years. That‘s the way the world works. It’s not a totallyeven course. The progress of mankind has been incredible. And that won‘t stop. Youflew out here yesterday or today and you flew over a country that 250 years ago, there wasn’t anything here. That‘s only three of my lifetimes. And there wasn’t anything here. And now you‘ve got all these beautiful farms and you’ve got 260 million vehicles in the country. And you‘ve got 80 million owneroccupied homes and and you’ve got 155 million or whatever it is million peopleworking.It‘s incredible.
安迪·塞尔沃:你用过这些应用程序吗?WARREN BUFFETT:No.沃伦·巴菲特:没有。ANDY SERWER:No gaming apps or—安迪·塞尔沃:没有游戏或(其他应用程序吗)-WARREN BUFFETT:No. People have shown them to me—